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Hot Rod: "If you're gonna ride, Dan-O ...ride in style!"
Rumble: "First we crack the shell, then we crack the nuts inside!"
Springer: "I've got better things to do tonight than die!"
Optimus Prime: "Megatron must be stopped, no matter the cost."
Optimus Prime: "One shall stand, one shall fall."
Megatron: "Why throw away your life so recklessly?"
Optimus Prime: "That's a question you should ask yourself, Megatron."
Megatron: "No more, Optimus Prime! Grant me mercy, I beg of you!"
Optimus Prime: "You, who are without mercy, now plead for it? I thought you were made of sterner stuff."
Megatron, to Optimus: "I would have waited an eternity for this. It's over, Prime."
Optimus Prime (last words): "Until that day... 'til all are one."
Megatron: "Wait, I still function!"
Starscream: "Wanna bet?"
Hook, to Soundwave: "Nobody would follow an uncharismatic bore like you!"
Rumble: "Hey, nobody calls Soundwave uncrozmatic!"
Unicron: "I have summoned you here for a purpose."
Megatron: "Nobody summons Megatron!"
Unicron: "Then it pleases me to be the first."
Megatron: "You have nothing to fear! I have already crushed Optimus
Prime with my bare hands!"
Unicron: "You exaggerate."
Megatron: "The point is, he's dead - and the Matrix died with him!"
Unicron: "No, the point is - you are a fool!"
Starscream: "Who disrupts my coronation?"
Galvatron: "`Coronation,' Starscream?? This is bad comedy!"
Starscream: "Megatron? Is that you??"
Galvatron, just before destroying Starscream: "Here's a hint!"
Galvatron, after blowing up Starscream: "Will anyone else attempt to fill his shoes?"
Jazz, seeing Unicron: "Where'd that come from?"
Cliffjumper: "Who cares? I'm more worried about where it's going!"
Jazz: "Roger me! Wilco me! Anything! Hello! Hello? Earth?!"
Spike: "It isn't even dented! Oh shit, what are we gonna do now?"
(Yes, it's an Of Mice and Men reference:)
Grimlock: "Me Grimlock love Kup's war stories."
Kup: "You're living one now! Engage the boosters, for Cybertron's sake!"
Grimlock: "Tell Grimlock about petro-rabbits, again."
Kup: "I'll give you petro-rabbits!"
Hot Rod: "They're closing on us!"
Kup: "Yep, like the shrikebats of Dromedon."
Hot Rod: "How'd you beat them?"
Kup: "I'm trying to remember...there were an awful lot of casualties that day..."
Arcee: "Did we have to let them detonate three quarters of the ship?"
Springer: "Seeing as how they would have detonated FOUR quarters,
I think it was a good choice!"
Daniel, after crashing on the Planet of Junk: "This must be the junk
capital of the universe!"
The "Universal Greeting": "Bah Weep Graaagnah Weep Ni Ni Bong!"
Kup: "Experience, lad. You should learn to appreciate it."
Hot Rod: "A lot of good it's done us so far!"
Hot Rod: "We've got to get a new travel agent!"
Kranix, to a Quintesson: "Spare me this mockery of justice!!"
Quintesson: "Would you like to beg for your lives? It sometimes helps, but not often."
Quintesson: "Silence, or you'll be held in contempt of this court!"
Hot Rod: "I have nothing BUT contempt for this court!"
- Slag, stomping over a Quintesson: "Excuse me!"
(This one is hilarious as you watch it.)
Wreck-Gar: "Yes friends, act now, destroy Unicron. Kill the Grand
Poobah. Eliminate even the toughest stain!"
Galvatron: "See this: the Matrix! I now possess that which you most
fear! You will do my bidding, or taste my wrath!"
Unicron: "You underestimate me, Galvatron."
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